Our client, FedEx Freight, is a division of FedEx that offers LTL shipments to customers across the US. They needed to hire 36 CDL drivers for 5 various locations in the Dallas- Fort Worth metro area. There is currently a shortage of 60,000 – 100,000 CDL drivers across the county. They reached out to the team at SCG for help to solve this challenge.
One of the solutions we recommended was for FedEx Freight to hold an open house on a Saturday in August. Then we provided our client with a fully developed marketing plan for targeting qualified candidates for these difficult to fill positions. SCG created a plan using a multi-media mix including print, radio, social media (Facebook), local career site posts, an e-blast, Geo and Behavioral targeted mobile ads. We also included the HIRING EVENT PRODUCT at to reach the large amount of CDL drivers in their database.
FedEx Freight’s goal was to have 75 – 100 drivers attend the event. Using SCG’s recommendations and programs, our client had over 150 drivers RSVP for the event with 119 attending it, surpassing their goal by over 25%. They made on-the-spot offers to many drivers and have filled most of the openings. We also used the RSVPs and remarketing to applicants to create an additional pipeline of CDL drivers in that market for our client.
The HR team at FedEx Freight was very happy with the outstanding results of this campaign and they have held job fair events at several of their other locations, using many of these same media products and tools from SCG.