Recruitment Marketing Experience


Penn Medicine (The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania) has been a recruitment marketing client with SCG for over 10 years. SCG works closely with Talent Acquisition leadership and the large staff of healthcare recruiters at Penn Medicine in developing multi-channeled advertising campaigns targeting candidates for Nursing, Home Care, Therapists and other open positions on a continuing basis. We also pride ourselves in bringing the latest and best technologies emerging in the HR ad space to increase ROI. Some of those tools include Hiring event, Social Media and Text-to-hire platforms.


SCG has been the recruitment advertising and marketing agency of record for The University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) since 2017. In that time, we have developed a strong partnership with TA/HR C-level suite leaders as well as over 30 staff recruiters. We’ve helped them become recognized as Forbes BEST LARGE EMPLOYER in 2021 by focusing our marketing and media strategies on Nursing Specialty positions for all 11 hospitals in the system. By Negotiating large-scale HR vendor contracts such as Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Talroo and others, SCG has given UMMS the upper hand when it comes to hiring the best people in the Maryland healthcare region.


 Vanderbilt Health became a client of SCG in August 2017. For almost 5 years, SCG has partnered on a variety of strategies from niche job postings and managing media contracts to digital display campaigns, supplementing internal resources for a comprehensive approach to attracting talent in a highly competitive market. We’re always looking for innovative strategies to help Vanderbilt stand out and differentiate their culture as an academic medical center to attract and retain top talent.


We’re proud to have provided recruitment advertising services to Keck Medicine of USC since 2018. In ensuing years, Keck and SCG have worked together to form a true partnership. SCG provides a myriad of services, including handling their social media, preparing recruiting strategies, and ensuring that Keck is introduced to the types of innovative products and services that keep them top of mind with their potential applicant pool.


Upson Regional Medical Center is a rare independent community hospital in a rural part of middle Georgia. SCG has collaborated with Human Resources and Marketing to engage the local community and attract talent from other markets within driving distance. From billboards to wrapping hospital elevators, coffee sleeves in local coffee shops, a community magazine, and more, SCG helps tell their story at every touchpoint.

We're proud to provide Recruitment Marketing
Solutions for many organizations nationwide.