These days, it might seem like there is a holiday for everything and many seem to be created purely for social media. But to me, “International Talk Like a Pirate Day” is one of my favorites, due to its outrageous uniqueness and how it has completely taken off.
Celebrated annually on September 19, International Talk Like a Pirate Day was created in 1995 by two friends, John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy), during a racquetball game when one of them reacted to the pain of an injury with an outburst of “aaarrr!”
In honor of this International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and as a recruitment marketing specialist, I thought I would take a stab at what a help wanted ad for a pirate might look like. At our agency, we work with all industries and you never know when we might just acquire a pirate crew as a client.
Yo Ho Ho, Is a Pirate’s Life for You?
Ahoy mateys, we’re seeking like-minded scallywags! No landlubbers need apply, or you’ll walk the plank. Blimey! You don’t want to end up in Davy Jones’ Locker.
- Parley with our clients and help them crush ye barnacles (or competitors.)
- Be ready for surprises and know how to batten down the hatches. Every day is different here.
- Raise the Jolly Roger to announce our arrival and invite surrender.
- Plundering skills.
- Strong singing voice to join us in a chantey every once in a while.
- Scallywags welcome to apply but be ready for a quick lesson.
- Sea legs required; you don’t want to end up in the briny deep.
- Confidentiality is key: dead men tell no tales.
- Scurvy optional.
- No history of mutiny.
- Gold doubloons, a barrel of rum, and all the booty for a job well done.
Shiver me timbers, join us on our adventure and live the pirate’s life!