Recruitment Insights – Coronavirus 4/13/20



April 13, 2020

Coronavirus Brings Record Jobless Claims

The Coronavirus Pandemic has had an immediate impact on a job market that was at record unemployment lows just two months ago. Nationwide unemployment in February was 3.55%, jumping to 4.44% in March. April will assuredly be even higher


Some Major Hiring Initiatives During The Pandemic

Although much of the focus has been on mass layoffs across the country, there are some that have needed to step up recruiting efforts as they are being overwhelmed.


Retirees Are Being Sought After

Even with a huge number of talented individuals are available for hire, both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Postal Service are pursuing retirees to fill their rising hiring needs.


Your Employer Brand During the Pandemic

During these difficult times layoffs, furloughs, and preserving as much of your current staff as possible are front and center in your efforts. However, you must remember that what you do now will have an impact our your employer brand for years to come.




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