Valentine’s Day: What’s with all the hype?

Each year, just prior to February 14, sweethearts the world over strip every retail location of chocolates, roses, and those greeting cards with the lacey frills. It’s Valentine’s Day – but really, what’s all the hype about?

It all began long ago as a Christian feast honoring a martyr named Valentine. As folk traditions evolved, the day began to focus on romance and love. According to one legend – believe it or not – Saint Valentine had defied an emperor’s orders by secretly marrying couples, thus sparing these new husbands from serving in the military.

But, what’s the connection between Valentine’s Day and the greeting card market?

According to,greeting%20card%20designs%20in%201915, Hallmark founder J.C. Hall began selling Valentine’s Day postcards in 1910. At about this time, postcards were declining in popularity … which, in 1912, prompted Hallmark to add greeting cards to its line.  So, while Hallmark didn’t actually invent the holiday, it did solidify it by permanently connecting Valentine’s Day to the practice of sending cards.

Interesting, right? But, is February 14th now simply a sprawling marketing scam? Maybe not. Instead, I’d call it a clever way to market an otherwise mundane product, the greeting card, to the public.

According to:

  • As many as 52% of consumers celebrate Valentine’s Day
  • 45% of Americans who celebrate incorporate some type of travel
  • The average consumer spends nearly $200 on their Valentine
  • 46% of consumers will receive a gift they don’t actually like, including candy, flowers and – you guessed it! – greeting cards

This DriverSearch report also notes that mixtapes are the least desirable of V-day gifts, with only 13% of people expressing interest. As a musician, I disagree – and so have curated two playlists, one for those who love Valentine’s Day, and another for those who … don’t.

Valentine’s Day:

ANTI Valentine’s Day: