Eliminate Your Greatest Barrier To Successful Diversity Recruiting

A survey of 250 full-time talent acquisition or recruitment professionals by Yello.co found that the top reason for not meeting the challenges of diversity recruiting was a “lack of time and resources to devise and execute a diversity recruitment strategy.” That said, recent protests have necessitated a renewed focus on social justice and an immediate and serious review of diversity in the workplace.

Talent acquisition professionals are undoubtedly feeling the pressure. More than anyone they know the many benefits of a robust plan that results in greater diversity in the workplace.  Just a few of those benefits include building a team that reflects the changing make-up of our population, wider variety of thought, stronger decision-making, inspiration resulting in more creativity, improvement in retention, enhancement of productivity, and a lift in the company’s reputation.

The reality is that talent acquisition has little influence over meeting the most common challenges that keep diversity recruiting plans on the shelf rather than into action.  So, how do you move ahead when you hit the “no more excuses” stage in diversity?SCG 5-step-Diversity-Plan

Fortunately, there is a solution. Partner with the recruitment marketing experts at SCG Advertising & Public Relations. We will guide you through our 5-step Diversity Plan to:

  • Build a diversity team
  • Share a thorough situation analysis
  • Develop a multi-pronged strategy
  • Implement the plan
  • Monitor program progress

Let’s talk now about a plan that will put you ahead of the curve in creating a diverse workforce in your company. Our SCG recruitment professionals have extensive experience in this area.  Contact Mike Gatta, VP, National Development at 856-795-7391 x149.





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