Brynne Springer

The Importance of the Intern… from an Intern

Brynne Springer

Any student past or present understands the importance of internships. As an Advertising major concentrating in Art Direction and Copywriting at Temple University, internships are a great way to build my portfolio and strengthen skills needed within the field. This summer, I worked as an Account Coordinator Intern at SCG’s Haddonfield office and will be continuing my role during my senior year this fall. Through working at SCG, I gained valuable knowledge and practical experience in the advertising industry.

Since I started college a semester before Covid-19 spread into existence, I never had the opportunity to work in-office at any of my prior internships. From my first day, I felt at home right away at SCG. I was welcomed by the team and greeted with my own desk (which was very exciting). The open and warm attitudes of my coworkers helped acclimate me to my work as well. Coming into my position, I had little-to-no experience working in the hiring/recruitment space in advertising. At SCG, I was able to grow my experience not only in recruitment, but in copywriting, art direction, public relations, and social media. I have sat in on client meetings, created my own client reports and presentations, and even wrote my first press release. As a creative who loves to wear a lot of different proverbial hats, it is great to be immersed in so many different areas of work.

While I have heard plenty of internship horror stories from friends and peers, I am glad to say I am not included in that statistic. At SCG, my ideas and contributions are valued and recognized. SCG understands the importance of interns, and you should too. Here are some reasons why interns are an integral part of your company:


Excited Interns Make Excitable Work

Interns are excited to get to work and learn all there is to know about your field. Make sure to involve your intern in any way you can—whether that is asking them to come up with ten lines of copy for an ad campaign, drafting ideas for social content, or asking about their thoughts on a meeting they attended. When an intern knows their ideas matter, they gain the confidence to vocalize more of their ideas.


Fresh Perspectives

When you have been working in an industry for a while, you tend to stick to a specific way of thinking and carrying out your work. Interns, however, are looking at your client projects with a fresh set of eyes. Sure, not every idea will be one hundred percent doable (because, you know, legal) but new ideas can snowball into successful assets for your company.


Word of Mouth Advertising

Your interns matter, so treat them like it. The way you treat your interns reflects your company, and much like a consumer would review a company or product, your interns will too. If your intern had a nightmare experience, word-of-mouth advertising may not be in your favor.


Future Employees

Treating your interns with respect also affects your future hires. Students everywhere are looking for employment opportunities post-grad. If your intern was a hard worker who had a great experience at your company, there is a chance they will want to work for you full time. If they felt as though you gave them a negative experience for any reason, you just lost a potential candidate (and potentially more due to word-of-mouth).

Internships are preparing students for their chosen career paths, and your company is a giant part of that process. Your interns are unique individuals with valuable skillsets they can contribute to your company. Remember to treat your interns with respect and be open to their ideas—you never know where they may lead you, and they may end up becoming a full-time hire someday!


SCG Advertising + Public Relations is a woman-owned, full-service advertising agency headquartered in New Jersey.  We have had a robust internship programs for at least 20 years.